Who is Opton ? Who is Opton ?

After-market support comes in priority to the in-house production activities

  1. Maintenance of the in-the-market machines of Opton is held with the guided help available in the Q&A/Trouble shooting of Opton Home Page. This will promote clients to have light-class maintenance by client themselves.
  2. This system will be developed in due course so clients can have self-maintenance for light- and medium class maintenance with the installation of optional 「MAT」- the Self Failure-Finder.
  3. As the regular maintenance practice leads to elimination of sudden failure, Opton keeps ready to meet clients request for machine physical check.

In this HP, there is a site that covers all Opton products having been sold in the domestic Japan and the entire global markets as well.
When the client machine is in trouble, simply visit here to input the machine name, model, production number and the date installed in the client’s premises. The input data work as an access ID to the client data and automatically exhibits all the machines ever installed.

The error history box is also prepared for the client convenient information tool.

1.Trouble-shooting through HP

The client individual and exclusive page is prepared to support for his self trouble-solution, where approximately 80 % of the errors may be allocated.
It is very recommended for quickest recover work therefore that the client may consider an inventory of spare parts for light maintenance. If the client has any difficulty of handling of part replacement, please free to call Opton Local corporation. 
The phone contact will be forwarded to a right specialist in the maintenance section for more professional information.

【Trouble shooting Access for example】

Machine name : Pipe bender model :MS-8 (R, RL, N-SAN) ;


2.「MAT」- Automatic Failure Detector -

Upon request by Opton machine user, the 「MAT」 can be installed to their “old but yet-at-playing-key-roll” machine currently at service.

As the big advantage can be claimed for with this optional device once it is installed to an Opton bender, it is strongly suggested that this installation be considered when to Opton machine comes into the scheme of investment.

The 「MAT」 can exert great power for failure detection of almost all parts of the machine including wiring disconnection, ill function of motor and bearings.
The “ill-function” signal issued by 「MAT」 is immediately forwarded to a maintenance personnel, his mobile phone and/or PC at machine user floor as well as to either one of 3 desk phones and PC at Opton Maintenance Service HQ.

The quick recovery action by machine user can be promoted with user’s purchase of the 「service kit」 of Opton recommendation.
Opton also stays ready to meet an immediate maintenance action upon user’s request for troubles the user can not work on by sending Opton’s maintenance specialist or spare part dispatch.