Cases of innovative solutions
    Cases of innovative solutions

Case of Innovative solutions

Revitalization and productivity increae by renewal of Pipe B...

CNC Pipe bender MS-80R (delivered in 1997)

Renewal made per plan A to the machine CNC 80R in service for muffler production.


The proposed plan : 1 Plan A covers replacement of power source components (DC servo drive etc) that are supply-discontinued.

The proposed plan :

1.Plan A ) The plan covers replacement of supply-discontinued components for the power source (DC servo drive etc).

Electronics parts of computer, relay and PCB are newly procured for replacement.

The controller unit is upgraded by Opton’s latest version of TIF-NC operation controller implemented with the latest version of bender software.

The machine is now revitalized to compete with the latest bender with extended service life of another 10 years time machining accuracy of 50,

2.Plan B ) The plan covers replacement of supply-discontinued electronic components for the power source these replace parts in the control cabinet,

the machine is, now with identical performance being restored, kept safe from operation stop

Plan A has been selected by client for replacement of driving and controller systems.

1.Industrial machinery are doomed with increasing performance deterioration and machine failures as they serve for years.

By replacing the driving and controller system to that of the latest version,

the machine now with enhanced performance will be served for another 10 ~15 years time to come.

2.The renewal cost on this plan would be leveled to 40~60% as much as that for new procurement of total machine.

Cleaning, replacement of parts/operation board/nd consumption parts ,,,all for ultimate refreshed machine.

1.Remove all lube-, and electrical- systems out of the machine for cleaning and repainting of all inner and outer machine.

2.Modify the mounting section of old DC servo drive to install a new AC servo drive.

3.Check availability source of all parts and components required of the latest version available or substituted.

4.All hydraulic hoses are replaced with new ones.

5.Consumption-type of parts are all replaced with new ones.

6.Numerical-controlled booster may be build-in. (optional order)


1.By replacing old DC servo motor to a new AC servo motor, periodical carbon replacement is no more needed,

thus directly leading to the reduction of maintenance cos.

2.By replacing supply-discontinued parts to the equivalents available in the market,

less failure-and-stop is expected leading to higher runtime rate and lower maintenance cost.

3.Old 8-bit computer is replaced by a new 32-bit version, and machining accuracy and tact are much improved.

4.Easier operation has been realized empowered by additional helpful functions and the colored graphic display while maintaining operation manners unchanged.

5.After the renewal was completed, the client further invested an Opton’s 3D profiler 「Cloudformer」,

a powerful pipe-dimensional tester to set on line with LAN manufacturing system. With this profiler linked in the system,

one-piece pre-production testing is enough to start for full production run. With this profiler,

operator-annoying testing with troublesome tooling set-up is no more needed.

Inquiry and/or consulation

Inquiry and/or consulationContacts are most welcome to Opton/MiiC sales group at following telephone number.


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Sales affiliates of Opton groupWe have sales locations in USA, exico,Germany and HQ in Japan.